My name is Flady, and I am currently studying at the Graduate School of International Development, Nagoya University. I am interested in the issue of child protection and am currently conducting research on restorative justice for child sexual abuse victims in Indonesia. I had the opportunity to present my research proposal at the Lightning Talk session at the Kapal Conference.

 This was my first experience at such a professional event, and it left a strong impression on me. From the very start, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Even during the registration process, I found myself wondering about the challenges I might face. Thankfully, the professors organizing the event were incredibly supportive. They sent regular emails with clear instructions, which made each step of the process much easier to follow. Their guidance was something I truly appreciated, especially as someone completely new to this type of event.

 One of the most valuable parts of the preparation process was getting my PowerPoint presentation reviewed in advance. The feedback I received helped me improve my slides and gave me a lot of confidence. It demonstrated how much the organizers cared about ensuring our presentations were polished and impactful. Additionally, the rehearsal session was incredibly helpful. Practicing in a formal setting gave me a clear idea of what to expect and calmed my nerves. It also allowed me to address some small mistakes before the actual event.

 When the big day arrived, I was shocked by how many people were there. Seeing the room full of participants was intimidating at first, but it also felt exciting. The atmosphere was lively and full of energy. During my presentation, I was nervous, but the audience was very engaged. The Q&A session turned out to be one of the highlights for me. The questions were insightful, and the feedback I received was constructive and encouraging. Some of the advice I received during that session still sticks with me today, and I’ve been able to apply it to my research since then.

 Another thing I loved about the conference was the chance to meet other researchers. I connected with two people whose work is closely related to my field. We exchanged contact information and had some interesting conversations after the conference. For me, this networking opportunity was one of the most rewarding aspects of the event. It felt like a real step forward in building relationships within the academic community.

 I hope that, in the future, there will be even more opportunities for amateur researchers like me to share our research ideas and collaborate with others. Events like this are a great platform for young academics to grow—not just by presenting our work, but also by learning from others and building networks. Having spaces where researchers at all levels can come together helps foster innovation and strengthens the research community as a whole.

 This experience has given me more confidence in myself and my abilities. I now feel better prepared for future conferences and even more excited about continuing my academic journey. For anyone considering attending a conference like this, I’d say don’t hesitate—it’s an experience worth every moment.

Flady Faliyenco Franggaratz Abubakar Pae


 私の名前はフラディで、現在名古屋大学大学院国際開発研究科で学んでいます。私は子どもの保護に関心があり、現在インドネシアにおける子ども性的虐待被害者のための修復的司法に関する研究を行っています。私はKapal研究大会のライトニング・トークで、リサーチプロポーザル(or 研究計画)を発表する機会を得ました。






